How to use eclipse neon for java
How to use eclipse neon for java

how to use eclipse neon for java

You now have a cool desktop launcher, but it is not yet available in your menu. And if you have many installations, you can change the name field to make it more clear in the menu. Of course, please change the path to your Eclipse installation. You will be able to lock the icon to the Launcher. Just double click on it, and Eclipse should start. Then, change the properties of the files so it can be executed. Icon=/home/username/path/to/eclipse/icon.xpmĬategories=Utility Application Development

how to use eclipse neon for java

The solution is actually very easy: in the installation folder, create an empty file, name it sktop and copy paste this code: As a regular Ubuntu user, with the Unity desktop, I like to have my favorite applications in the launcher. And depending on your distro, it might not be possible to lock Eclipse icon to the launcher. desktop file, so you won’t find Eclipse in your distribution menu.

  • download directly an archive of your favorite package on the package download pageīut in both case, you will have to go in the installation folder to run Eclipse.
  • download the installer from the new download page, and the select the package you want (recommanded).
  • And there is two ways to install Eclipse IDE: If you are a GNU Linux user, there are of course many distributions, you have your favorite one.

    How to use eclipse neon for java